Year of Changes

By Helene Lydia - December 31, 2019

One more sleep and we will be waking up in a leap year: year 2020!

As much as I'm excited for 2020, I am utterly grateful for the past 365 days. For me, 2019 was the year of changes almost in every aspect of my life: with development in my personal growth, changes in my professional career, progress in my physical (and psychological) health, and so on. Despite of the good and the bad changes, I am gratified at the way I have evolved.

I believe in no time we will be buried in the hectic days of 2020 and forget what we have done in 2019. Thus, while we still breathing in the air of 2019, let's take a moment to recap and appreciate the highs and lows of 2019 before we move on to 2020, shall we? 
During the first 3 months, numbers of decision that impacting myself in the long run were made. This was the period when I empowered myself to focus on things that really matters to me. I started new habits and let go of things that I should've done way earlier, but never had the courage to do so. From this first quarter, I figured out that all I need was only to be courageous to take the very first step in everything.

At the beginning of the second quarter, I was exposed to many new unknown circumstances; in both workplace and personal life. On one hand it was thrilling and exciting, but on the other hand also very… ambiguous and challenging. I wish to pause the time and observe my surroundings, but I need to make quick moves or I might miss chances. Taking risk was not my cup of tea, yet I was pushed to get out of my comfort zone. There was no other way to do it, so I did it anyway to figure out how things turn out.

I was fully committed and persistent to nail all the challenges thrown to me. I made lots of sacrifices that I've shared to you in this post. You could basically observed my scattered mind and emotion during these periods in that post haha.

By the third quarter, the results of all the efforts that I made started to be visible. I accomplished things that I initially thought I could not and would not be able to make it. I was proud of myself for being able to overcome the ambiguity, confusion, and insecurity that I encounter at the beginning.

Yet of course, not everything went well as how I expected it to be. I met failures along the way and became sad (and angry) to my self. During this time, I did quite lots of reflection. I consoled myself that it's OK to be sad, but to chin up, take the lesson and move on afterward. Failure might left me heart broken; but in the same time also left me with precious lesson to learn and grow.

The changes that I experienced this year have taught me a lot and would be a great learnings to conquer the coming year.

In 2020, I would constantly encourage myself to have faith, take chances and not be afraid of failure; because the biggest failure is only when I'm not trying at all.

I also would remind my self to be persistent and consistent; cause you know... with the distraction here and there, it's easy to stop in the middle and left things undone.

Last but not least, to appreciate both the joy of glory and disappointment of defeat. At the end, we never lose; it's either we win the battle or we learn the lesson.

So, that's my 2019. How was yours?

Happy New Year everyone! See you in 2020!

"If you're brave enough to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello."
-Paulo Coehlo

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